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Mid-Kaweah GSA Advisory Committee

This community-based committee was established in 2015 and is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Mid-Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA), a joint powers authority formed by the City of Visalia in partnership with the City of Tulare and Tulare Irrigation District. The 11-member Mid-Kaweah GSA Advisory Committee provides decision making and public outreach support to the agency’s Board of Directors. 

Members of the Advisory Committee must reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the agency or have a business located within this boundary. Members are appointed by the Board of Directors to a three-year term and must satisfy attendance requirements.

As a standing committee of the Mid-Kaweah GSA, all Advisory Committee meetings are subject to the Brown Act and open to the public. The agency board seeks to maintain balanced representation on the committee through appointments that consider the groundwater interests of members. To this end, the Board strives to fill seats as follows:

  • Up to three members representing the agricultural community
  • Up to three members representing private water purveyors or related non-governmental organizations operating within the GSA
  • Up to three members representing environmental interests and/or disadvantaged communities; and
  • At-large

For more information about the Mid-Kaweah GSA Advisory Committee or apply to become a committee member, visit

For more information about the Mid-Kaweah GSA Joint Powers Authority, visit our Natural Resource Conversation Division.

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