There are different taxes for each category of business. For more information about business licensing and a complete fee schedule visit the web at: Business Tax or stop in the office at, 315 E. Acequia, (559) 713-4326
Business Tax Certificates must be renewed by January 31st and July 31st and become delinquent on February 1st and August 1st.
The City mails a Declaration of Gross Receipts form every year in March. This form must be returned to our office by April 30th. If this form is received after April 30th you will be charged an administrative fee and billed the maximum tax on the next billing cycle. This administrative fee will not be waived for any reason. To have the maximum tax reduced, you will need to provide your gross receipt information.
All renewal mailing and notifications are done as a courtesy, and it is your responsibility as the business owner to renew your Business Tax Certificate when it expires. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.
A City Business Tax Certificate is required; however it is a tax not a license to operate. Requirements from other regulatory agencies may be needed and is recommended to receive approval prior to applying for a Business Tax Certificate. Visit the web at: Business Tax or contact the Business Tax Division at 707 W. Acequia, (559) 713-4326.