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Special Events





If the event organizer, for any reason, cancels their event they must notify the City in writing or electronically.

The City of Visalia’s Special Event process is designed to ensure your event is successful while taking into consideration the protection of the public’s safety. 

What is a Special Event

Any organized activity involving the use of or having an impact on public property, public parks and facilities, streets, sidewalks or any other public right of way.  This includes events on private property with an expected attendance of 1,000 people or more.  You may review the Special Events Municipal Code if you have additional questions. 

 Different Types of Special Events

 The City of Visalia categorizes Special Events into three main categories:

  • Non-Expressive
  • Expressive (free speech event)
  • Spontaneous Expressive Events (free speech event)

The vast majority of Special Events held within the City of Visalia would fall under the Non-Expressive category.  A description of each category can be found in the Municipal Code

If you are not sure which category your event falls under, please contact a City staff member at (559) 713-4187 or [email protected] for assistance.

 Costs associated with a Special Event

A non-refundable application fee of $93.00 shall be submitted once the completed application has been submitted.  The fee may be paid by phone at 559-713-4444, in person or mail at 315 E Acequia, Visalia 93291. 

There may be costs associated with hosting an event, such as facility rental fees, assistance from Police, Fire or Public Works, restroom rentals, refuse services and other permits.

Application timeline and process

  • A completed application and all required documents may be filed as early as one year prior to the event but must be submitted no later than sixty (60) days prior to the event.  Applications that are submitted outside of this policy are not guaranteed to be processed by the event date.  Submitted applications will begin the review process once the application fee has been received.
  • The application and other required documents will be reviewed, and the event coordinator will be contacted if additional information is required.

To begin the permitting process please complete the Special Event Permit.  

After you have submitted your application and paid your application fee, you will be required to also provide the following:

Encroachment/Temporary Street Closures – Application for Encroachment/Temporary Street Closures.

Good Neighbor Policy –The Good Neighbor Policy is required for all events (except those events deemed a Downtown Annual Community Event pursuant to Visalia Municipal Code Section 12.48.075).  The Good Neighbor Petition with signatures of property owners and/or businesses who will be affected by the proposed street closure must be submitted confirming at least sixty percent (60%) of those properties and/or businesses affected by the event are in favor of the street closure.  If you are uncertain which addresses you are required to notify, you may request the locations.

The applicant must provide each affected property owner/occupant and/or business with an 8 ½” by 11” flyer that contains:

  • Front Side- Name of the event; brief description such as parade, rally, etc.; day of week and date; time; location; contact name and phone number.
  • Back Side-Route Map and/or location Site Map.

A copy of the flyer must be submitted with the Good Neighbor Petition.

Good Neighbor Policy- Downtown Annual Community Events

 For those events that are deemed Downtown Annual Events or those that do not require street closures, but will impact traffic (such as 5K Runs, bicycle races, walks along the sidewalk) are not required to submit a Good Neighbor Petition.  However, you must provide a copy of a flyer and/or other verification confirming the advertisement of the event.

Note: Compliance of the Good Neighbor Policy does not guarantee approval of a Street Closure Permit; other factors such as impact on traffic flow and public safety are also considered.

Depending on the type of event, day and time, some properties (i.e., church, school, hotel, etc.) may be severely impacted by the event.  At the discretion of the City, some properties may require a letter stating that they have been adequately notified in lieu of signing the Good Neighbor Petition.

Liability Insurance

Comprehensive general liability insurance coverage in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000), with a combined single limit per occurrence, naming the City of Visalia, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers as “additional insureds,” is required for all events. Liquor Liability Insurance is also required if alcohol is being sold, provided or served at the event. 

Insurance Certificate shall state the following: City of Visalia, its officers, agents, employees, representatives and volunteers are named as Additional Insured under the General liability as respects to the operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with the City of Visalia. 

If you are unable to add the required insurance to a current policy, a one-time event insurance is available through Hub International

Questions related to insurance should be directed to the City’s Risk Management Division at (559) 713-4300.

Site Plan

An event site plan must be included with each application. This is a map of the venue/location identifying streets surrounding the site as well as the event layout itself.

Items to be included on the Site Plan: stages, bleachers, portable restrooms, booths, vendors, tents, cooking areas, trash receptacles, generators or electrical sources and other temporary structures.

If alcohol is on site, the location of alcohol service must be identified along with security guard stations.

Traffic Control Plan

The purpose of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is to safely control all modes of travel (vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle) around the event site, parade, or route that is held within the public right-of-way.

Traffic Control Plan Requirements

  • Be legible, include north arrow, and submit on paper 8.5”x11” minimum or 11”x17” maximum.
  • Show all moving routes, indicate direction of travel, show all street or lane closures, and include plans for barricades and signage, and parking restrictions if needed.
  • Depending on the location and size of the event, a detour route may be required.
  • Standard Barricades with “ROAD CLOSED” signs must be placed across the street at each intersection of the designated closure. (Sample Traffic Control Plan)
  • Some road closures (depending on location and duration) may require Portable Changing Message Signs (PCMS) placed up to five (5) days in advance of the event.
  • Barricades, signs and PCMS boards will not be furnished, nor placed by the City.  The Event organizer is responsible for meeting this requirement.
  • The event organizer is responsible for removing all traffic control equipment within one hour of the end of the event.
  • Parking Restrictions- When restrictions for on-street parking and/or parking spaces within a public parking lot are part of the Traffic Control Plan, “NO PARKING signs are required to be in place to notify the public 24-hours in advance of the event and shall be noted on the Traffic Control Plan.
    • No part of the sign may be handwritten.  Use the same font and size as given on template.
    • Signs are to be placed either on traffic cones or flexible traffic delineators set on curb, at every other parking stall line.  When parking stall lines are not marked, signs shall be spaced no more than 100 feet apart.
    • When an entire public parking lot is restricted, signs may be placed at the entrance.
    • (Exhibit-Example of on-street parking restrictions)
  • Depending on the size and complexity of the event, a logistics schedule may be required detailing times for various phases of the event such as setup, take down etc.
  • Questions related to traffic control plans or street closures should be directed to the Traffic Safety Division at (559)713-4633.

Solid Waste

Successful special events provide a clean environment for participants and spectators and leave the site clean for public use. Containers in a park or along the streets are for daily use and are not intended to accommodate large special events. It is the event organizer’s responsibility to make sure that adequate refuse containers and service is available per the following requirements:

                             3 sets of Special Event Refuse cans for every 250 people

                             2 sets of Special Event Refuse cans for 100 to 250 people

                             1 sets of Special Event Refuse cans for less than 100 people

Activities/events planning for 500 plus participants are subject to Solid Waste review.  Event applications will be reviewed, and Solid Waste will determine the total number of special event cans required.

Applications for trash receptacles or bins shall be taken to City of Solid Waste Division located at 707 W Acequia Ave. For more information contact the City’s Solid Waste Division at (559) 713-4296. 


The City of Visalia encourages recycling efforts at all events. Event needs vary based on the type of products that are used or sold. The City of Visalia Natural Resources Conservation Division works in partnership with local agencies, venues, and special events to implement comprehensive recycling and waste reduction programs. Event planners can rent large commercial bins for general recyclables or borrow Clear Stream containers (at no charge) to help you capture recyclables.

Clear Stream containers are durable, easy to use CRV recycling containers that are easy to set up, move and empty. To arrange for free use of these containers, please contact the City of Visalia Natural Resource Conservation Division at (559) 713-4296.

Depending on your event size, duration and location, the Natural Resource Conservation Division will help your event “Go-Green”.

Below are additional Special Event requirements, not all may apply to your event. Please review each section and complete the forms that apply to your event.  Once your event and application material has been reviewed, you may be contacted to provide further documentation or information.

Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) License to Sell Permit

Events selling/serving/providing alcohol are required to obtain an ABC License Permit. The application will need to be submitted to the Visalia Police Department for approval. For more information visit the California Alcohol Beverage website.

Additionally, the event will be required to have two (2) security guards for up to 200 attendees and one additional guard for every 100 attendee (Example 500 attendees = 5 security guards).  The security guards must be registered with a certified agency, and you must provide a copy of the security contract.


Some events, especially those serving alcohol, will be required by the Visalia Police Department to provide private security. Security guards must be registered with a certified agency and a copy of the security contract must be submitted verifying the services. Events without alcohol may be required to have one (1) guard for every 250 attendees, and for events with alcohol there shall be no less than two (2) guards for up to 200 attendees and one additional guard for every 100 attendees (Example 500 attendees = 5 security guards). 

Park/Facility Reservations

All events planned in a City park or facility must have a park/facility permit/reservation. This can be obtained at the Parks and Recreation Department located at 345 N. Jacob Street or online. Park rental, facility rental and special event fees apply. Please note that Garden Street Plaza is a City Park and must follow the park reservation process.

Business Tax Certificate

All vendors and show promoters must have a City of Visalia Business Tax Certificate. If they do not have one already, they can obtain a Business Tax Certificate at City Hall East, 707 W. Acequia. Questions should be directed to (559) 713-4326.

Food and Beverage at Special Events

Contact the Tulare County Health Department to determine permit needs for your event.

If food preparation is taking place on site, you will also need to contact the Visalia Fire Department Prevention Division at (559) 713-4026 to determine if an inspection is required.

Tents and Canopies

A permit is required for tents and/or canopies when the following conditions exist.

  • Tents and canopies open on all sides 700 square feet or more.
  • Tents and canopies with sides exceeding 400 square feet.
  • Multiple tents and/or canopies side-by-side exceed 700 square feet total.

For more information contact the Visalia Fire Department Prevention Division at (559) 713-4026.    

Portable Restrooms

Public restroom needs are determined by event location and size. It is the event organizer’s responsibility to ensure adequate restrooms are available for the public’s use. It is recommended that event organizers consider the American with Disability Act (ADA) for accessible units and hand washing stations when determining event needs.

Revocation of Permit

Any permit issued shall be immediately revoked by the City Manager or designee if the event does not conform to the approved traffic plan or fails to meet the requirements of the approved permit.        



Phone: (559) 713-4187

Email: [email protected]           

Upcoming Special Events

Saturday, March 29, 2025 (Today)

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