Visalia Police Department
Our website is not monitored 24 hours.
For emergencies, please contact 911.
For non-emergencies, contact (559) 734-8116.
Chief's Welcome
It is an honor to serve as your Chief of Police and to lead the great men and women of the Visalia Police Department on their mission to protect and serve the City of Visalia. It is our objective to provide our community with quality and professional law enforcement services, to develop our employees as law enforcement and community service professionals, and to establish strong police and community partnerships that are key to making Visalia a safe place to live, work, and play.
Law enforcement is both a challenging and a noble profession. The more than 200 members of the Visalia Police Department are committed to providing public safety services to our community with honor, integrity, and respect. This website is intended to provide you with a glimpse of our story and how our operations seek to provide for public safety by fighting crime, providing for traffic safety, maintaining a unique quality of life for Visalia residents and visitors, and to establish strong relationships with our various community stakeholders.
Thank you for visiting our website. I hope you will find it informative and engaging, and take advantage of opportunities to work with us as a community partner, or to stay informed through our various social media platforms.
Chief of Police
Jason Salazar

To view the Visalia Police Department's Automated License Plate Reader Policy, click here.