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Family Emergency and Disaster Planning
Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. Are you prepared with the knowledge of what to do if basic services-water, gas, electricity or telephones-were cut off? Families can-and do-cope with disaster by preparing in advance and working together as a team. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility. Prepare yourself and your family by creating a disaster plan. A well prepared family plan should address the following:
Emergency Supplies
Keep enough supplies in your home to meet your needs for at least three days. Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit with items you may need in an evacuation. Store these supplies in sturdy, easy-to-carry containers such as back-packs, duffle bags, or covered trash containers.
Family Communications and Escape Routes
Insurance and Vital Records
Review existing property, health, and life insurance policies for the amount and extent of coverage to ensure that what you have in place is what is required for you and your family for all possible hazards.
Inventory Home Possessions
Store Important Documents such as insurance policies, deeds, property records, and other important papers in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box away from your home. Or a fire safe container in a well accessible place. Make copies of important documents for your disaster supplies kit.
Safety Skills
Learn First Aid and CPR
Take a first aid and CPR class. Local American Red Cross chapters can provide information about this type of training. Official certification by the American Red Cross provides, under the “good Samaritan” law, protection for those giving first aid.
Learn How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Be sure everyone knows how to use your fire extinguisher(s) and where it is kept.
If Disaster Strikes…
Remain calm and patient. Put your plan into action.
Check for injuries
Give first aid and get help for seriously injured people.
Listen to your battery powered radio for news and instructions
Evacuate, if advised to do so. Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes
Check for Damage in Your Home...
Remember to...
For more information on Disaster and Emergency Preparedness; please call Visalia Fire Department at (559) 713-4266.
Or the local Tulare-Kings Chapter of the American Red Cross at (559) 732-6436.
Click on the following items for further information about being prepared for disaster: