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Mission Statement & Organizational Values

Mission Statement

The City of Visalia Police Department has been established to preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest violator of the law, protect life and property, and enforce criminal laws of the State of California and ordinances of the City of Visalia.

Organizational Values

The Visalia Police Department has a recognized set of values that operate within the organization. We see these not as the dictate of one individual group, but as a set of shared common beliefs.  These shared values provide a common cause for all employees of the organization.

Excellence - Performing at the highest standard and committed to continuous improvement. The department aims for personal and professional excellence in everything we do. We continue to meet challenges and adversity with perseverance to attain individual and organizational goals. We are committed to solving problems by using innovation, new technology, training, communications, and effort to create a safe environment for our citizens and ensure they receive the best care when we are called to perform our duties. We are dependable and responsible. There is always room for improvement, and the never-ending search for improvement leads to excellence. 

Integrity - Professionalism requires impeccable honesty, integrity, and respect. As a practical matter, ethical conduct cannot be assured by written policies, codes, or oaths. It must be an integral part of the organization, a deeply ingrained tradition that assures citizens that questionable practices do not exist.

Service - Quality delivery of service is both a personal and organization commitment. The Department will make every effort to deliver professional quality service to its citizens as it deals with problems of crime and public safety.  We are committed to working toward improving the quality of life for our families and our community.

Our People - The Department must strive to attract and maintain high quality personnel capable of working in the highly complex area of law enforcement. Our organization wants employees to enjoy their work and to be proud of their achievements.  We are proud of the people we have in our organization, their performance, and their dedication to their jobs.  Success within the organization depends upon relationships based on dignity, mutual respect, support, and accountability among all individuals.


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