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Hazard Mitigation Plan

The City of Visalia is one of 11 jurisdictions participating with the Tulare County Office of Emergency Services (OES) as part of a Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.  A hazard mitigation plan is a formal document that outlays the plans to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from natural or man-made hazards.  The plan has been designed to meet four goals; (1) significantly reduce life loss and injuries, (2) minimize damage to structures and property, as well as disruption of essential services and human activities, (3) protect the environment, and (4) promote hazard mitigation as an integrated public policy. 

Please click here for a complete version of the mitigation plan (depending on your internet speed, it may take a few moments to open).  The plan will be updated every five years through Annual Review Questionnaires, Mitigation Project Progress Reports and Annual Meeting.  Contact Battalion Chief Danny Wristen at [email protected] 
for more information.

FEMA CRS Program - Floodplain Management Planning - 2013 Annual Progress Report
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