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What are my responsibilities for the container?

City of Visalia City Trash Ordinance states that all citizens must bag their garbage for rodent control and must recycle.

What do I do if my container is damaged?

If your container is damaged, please call the Customer Care Center at 559-713-4499 to report damages, or visit Visalia Works to report the problem and request a repair.

If any container is burned, it is the sole responsibility of the property owner to pay for the damaged or replacement can. Please call the Customer Care Center at 559-713-4499 for charges.

What do I do if my container is not clean?

As a new tenant, you may exchange your used containers for clean ones within 30 days of opening your account. Do not use water to clean your container, as the City's Water Conservation Ordinance prohibits waste of water. If you wish to have your can cleaned, we will clean them for a fee. Please call Customer Care at 559-713-4499 to arrange for this service.

What if I am a senior citizen?

The City of Visalia has two utility discount programs for senior citizens. The programs allow seniors who meet specific requirements to reduce the fees paid for sanitary sewer and refuse servcies. The household may participate in either or both programs.

What if I am disabled?

We offer FREE Pack Out Services for those residents who are physically unable to roll the container to the curb. Pack Out Service is based on medical documentation. The application is available online at here or by calling our Customer Care Center at 559-713-4499.

Pack Out service is also provided for a fee for those who would like it, but don't require it due to disability.  Please call the Customer Care Center at 559-713-4499 for rates or to order this service.

What if I have a larger clean-up job?

For a fee, we have temporary bins for your convenience. Containers are available in 2-yard, 15-yard (cement/dirt), 20-yard, 30-yard, 40-yard (green waste) sizes. 

Click here for more information on bin rentals.

What if I have extra items for pickup?

Curbside Specials are designed for you to eliminate that extra stuff you have been keeping for years. This service is available up to 3 times a year per residence for up to a total of 30 items. All items must be bagged, bundled, or boxed.

Each item (bag, box, or bundle) must not more than 4’ in any direction; not more than 25 pounds per item.  Over 30 items in one year will be charged at $1.00 per additional item.  Extra empties of either of your cans as a curbside special counts as 10 items. Please note:  We will not pick up loose debris.

To schedule your FREE Curbside Special, call 559-713-4499.

Additional pickups are available for a fee. Call 559-713-4499 for additional information.

What number do I call with questions about my trash bill?

You may call Customer Care at 559-713-4499 from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.

What should I do if I move?

The containers are assigned to the property address. If you move, you must leave the containers at that address. Call the Customer Care Center at 559-713-4499 to remove your name as the responsible party for payment.

When do I place my container for collection?

To assure collection please follow these simple guidelines:

  • Place your container curbside by 6:00 am on the day of collection.
  • Do not place it any earlier than 7:00 pm the day before scheduled collection.
  • Place in the street, within one (1) foot of the curb.
  • 2 feet or more away from obstructions such as fences, lamp posts and mailboxes.
  • 2 feet from each other.
  • 10 feet from parked cars, boats, trailers, basketball hoops and similar obstructions.
  • Place cans where there is a 15 foot overhead clearance

Where can I dispose of my motor oil and hazardous waste?

Household hazardous waste may be disposed FREE of charge at the Visalia Hazardous Waste Collection Site located at at 335 N. Cain St. The site is open Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m except Dump On Us days. See our events page for more information

This service is available for all Tulare County residents. For more information, call Tulare County Environmental Health at 559-627-7400 or the City of Visalia Public Works Department at 559-713-4428.

Where do I report dead animals?

Dead animals are reported to Animal Control Dispatch at 713-4957.

Why did I receive a yellow, red, blue, green, or purple tag on my container?

  • Yellow Tag* - The recyclabes container is contaminated with garbage.
  • Red Tag* - The yard waste container is contaminated with garbage. Click here to view a list of what is acceptable in the compost can.
  • Green Tag* - Your can was blocked by a basketball hoop. The first time we will empty and tag your can. The 2nd time we will not empty the can. Basketball hoops must be kept away from your cans on trash days.
  • Blue Tag* - There was a problem with emptying your can unrelated to contamination.
  • Purple Tag - Purple tags are usually left on your can to give information relating to holiday schedule changes.  Click here to view our Holiday Schedule.

* There could be a charge for emptying a contaminated divided or yard waste can, or to come back because your can was blocked.

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