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Residential Services

The City of Visalia provides all garbage service for residents of Visalia. Each residence is provided with one garbage can, one recyclables can, and one yard waste can to handle their refuse requirements for a monthly fee of $23.85. Each can is serviced once a week. Some residents find that they need more service. If this is your situation, you may add as many additional cans as you need at the low cost of $4.00 per month.  Call 713-4499 to order additional cans.

Remember to set your cans out 3 feet apart - The City of Visalia's solid waste trucks are equipped with automatic arms that pick up the cans to service them.  If cans are too close together or close to other objects, our drivers are unable to provide service, as doing so runs the risk of knocking over other cans, or damaging property.  Solid Waste drivers can collect materials more safely and efficiently when your trash, recycle and composting cans are placed 3 feet apart from each other and 10 feet from other objects like vehicles, basketball hoops, mailboxes, etc.  Thanks for helping us to get in and out of your neighborhood quickly and safely! 

To assure collection please follow these simple guidelines:

  • Place your container curbside by 6:00 am on the day of collection.
  • Do not place it any earlier than 7:00 pm the day before scheduled collection.
  • Place in the street, within one (1) foot of the curb.
  • 3 feet from each other.
  • 10 feet from parked cars, boats, trailers, basketball hoops and similar obstructions.
  • Place cans where there is a 15-foot overhead clearance

Want to know which can you place an item in? Click here

Things to Know

Residential Pickup Schedule

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