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Permit Counter Online File Drop

Click here to send files to the Permit Counter from your browser.


  1. "From" - Enter your email address. This email address may be used to respond to the message sent, so it must be a valid email address.
  2. "Subject" - Enter site address. If it is a resubmittal, please also include permit number.  DO NOT include any punctuation or special characters (!@#$%^&*()<>,.;:-'_")
  3. "Message" - Provide your contact info and details regarding the application being submitted, or if resubmitting plans for review, your correct Permit Number.
  4. Please follow the "Electronic Plan Submittal and Resubmittal" guidelines for file standards.
  5. Click on"Add Files" button or drop files from your computer. This will allow you to submit the corresponding PDF files.
  6. Do not combine different documents (applications, plans) into one PDF file. Each document has to be attached as a separate PDF file to the message.  You can attach multiple files to the same message.
  7. Click on "Send".


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