Drivers Asked To Slow For The Cone Zone

Utility marking work on Shirk Street is scheduled to begin tomorrow, Thursday, March 27, 2025, for the City of Visalia Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project.
Crews will be working in Shirk Street, and travelers are asked to proceed cautiously and slow for the cone zone. Shirk Street will be open to thru traffic and flaggers will control traffic through any lane closures.
Those who live, work, or are visiting businesses on Shirk Street will be able to access the area. The utility marking work will tentatively be completed on Thursday, April 8, 2025.
Phase 1 construction of the Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project will start after utility marking is complete. Phase 1 includes construction work from Doe Avenue to Riggin Avenue, with Shirk Street closed from Ferguson Avenue to Riggin Avenue.
The Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project includes the installation of a 48” mainline sanitary sewer line, storm drain line, curb and gutter, median curb, signalization and street lighting, striping, and roadway widening of Shirk Street.
The City of Visalia is working with engineering firm VRPA Technologies, Inc. and construction management team NV5 on the project.
To receive text message updates on this project, text the word Shirk to (888) 477-3146.