Wings and Wheels Saturday, 4/26 at Visalia Airport

Looking for a wheel-y good time? The Visalia Airport Wings and Wheels Car Show is back Saturday, April 26.
Held at the Visalia Municipal Airport from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Wings and Wheels Car Show features a variety of cars, planes, and even military vehicles. Admission is free!
“This is a great way to open up our Visalia Airport for a day of fun,” shared Jody Miller, Airport Manager. “Wings and Wheels is family friendly, and an event that allows us to invite community members to get up close and personal with a wide array of cars and aircraft.”
Registration for vehicles and planes to participate in the show is still open and will close the week of April 21st.
Vehicles can include classic, vintage, contemporary, military, or commercial cars, trucks, or motorcycles, and are a $20 entry fee. Planes may also enter the Show, and must pre-register, but there is no registration fee.
“Wheels of all types are welcome! Show off your classic car, your hobby project, your daily driver or get your propellers roaring and fly in for the day,” added Miller.
The Visalia Municipal Airport is located at 9501 W. Airport Dr., Visalia, near Plaza Park and located conveniently off State Route 198.
To register, or for questions about the Second Annual Visalia Airport Wings and Wheels Car Show, call the Visalia Municipal Airport at (559) 713-4282.