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Visalia Fire and CHP Set for Car Seat Checks


Is your child's car seat installed correctly?

Car seats and booster seats provide protection for infants and children in a crash, it's important to choose the right seat and use it correctly every time your child is in the car.

The City of Visalia Fire Department and the Visalia Office of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are here to help. Join them on Saturday, February 15 from 12 - 2 p.m. at the Whitendale Community Center.

No registration necessary, all you need to do is bring your car seat or booster seat, and your child. Activity centers will be set-up for play while the CHP checks out your seat and vehicle for safety.

Where: Whitendale Community Center, 630 W. Beech Ave., Visalia, CA 93277

When: Saturday, February 15th
Time: 12 - 2 p.m.
For questions or more information, contact Visalia Parks & Recreation at (559) 713-4365 or [email protected]

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