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We Want Your Comments on the Logo Process


As part of the City of Visalia logo redesign process, community members are invited to continue to provide feedback on the final, selected logo and the process.

At the Monday, July 15, 2024 City Council meeting, the Council received a presentation on the logo selection process. The process is the latest step in the City of Visalia’s work on updating the City’s identity, image, and brand to market the positive aspects of working for and living in Visalia.

One part of the City’s overall brand refresh, the logo redesign process, was undertaken to provide for additional community input.

“Our goal in redesigning the City logo was to provide a logo that showcases Visalia and can readily be utilized on a variety of platforms. Given the changes in communications mediums over the past 25 years, a new, simplified logo that can be appropriately depicted on a variety of communication channels is warranted," previously shared Mayor Brian Poochigian.

Online now at, community members can view the final, selected logo, known as #59 and provide their comments by emailing [email protected].

All comments received via the [email protected] email by Friday, July 26 at 5 p.m. will be compiled.

These comments will then be provided to the City Council before the Monday, August 5, 2024 City Council meeting, where the agenda will include an update on the process and an official unveiling of the City's newest logo, along with a formal recognition of the submitting artist.

To view logo #59 online now, visit and scroll to “Logo Redesign.” 

For more information on the City of Visalia’s brand refresh, visit

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