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Items of Interest

 Items of Interest for Monday, February 14, 2025 City Council Meeting

4 p.m. Work Session Start Time

Agenda Items

- New Employee Introductions

- General Plan Reserve Area Discussion and Appropriation Authorization


7 p.m. Regular Session Start Time

Agenda Items 

- Public Comments

- Consent Calendar

- Regular Items & Public Hearing:

1. Adoption of General Plan Elements

* The full agenda can be found here.


Council Meeting Details:

Regularly scheduled Visalia City Council Meetings are held in-person on the first and third Mondays of each month. If the first or third Monday of the month falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the following Tuesday. Special Sessions of the Visalia City Council may be called and added to their meeting schedule. Unless otherwise noted, City Council Meetings are held in the Visalia City Hall Council Chambers at City Hall West located at 707 W. Acequia Ave in Visalia.


You can attend regularly scheduled Council Meetings in-person or watch the meeting via livestream by clicking here. Then, look for Upcoming Meetings, today's date, and then click under Video.

Work Session is open to the public, and the Regular Session is open to the public, all are invited and encouraged to attend both. Pending no technical difficulties, the Council meeting will be streamed via our online agenda management system, or citizens may join the meeting in-person.
Please note the end time meetings are not stated, once all of the meeting's agenda items are heard, the meeting may end before 9 p.m. or extend past 9 p.m.

Want to share something with the Visalia City Council? You can attend the meeting in-person. During the meetings, Mayor Poochigian will call for any public comments and invite members of the community to come forward. There is a three-minute time limit, but you are welcome to speak in front of City Council during the Public Comment period.

If you do not want to speak at a Council Meeting, you can contact all City Council Members by emailing [email protected] or scheduling a one-on-one meeting at Council Corner. This is a monthly opportunity to meet with a Council Member directly to ask questions, share ideas, or discuss topics. Click here to make an appointment for the next Council Corner. 

For more information on how to participate and for the meeting agenda, visit

In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in meetings call (559) 713-4512 48-hours in advance of the meeting.

For Hearing Impaired – Call (559) 713-4900 (TTY) 48-hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time to request signing services.
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