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Where can I find information on pool drain permits?
Contact Water Conservation at (559) 713-4531.

I have questions about my water bill/need to set up a new water line.
Contact Calwater at (559) 624-1600.

I have questions about my City bill and/or my trash service.
Contact Utility Billing/Solid Waste Customer Service at (559) 713-4499.

Am I allowed to bird watch at the Wastewater Plant or ponding basins?
Unfortunately due to safety issues, bird watching is not allowed at the Wastewater Plant or ponding basins.

Can I set up a tour of the Wastewater Plant?
Due to COVID plant tours are currently not occurring, but will resume once deemed safe. Please call (559) 713-4465 for current dates and availability.

How do I report a pothole, streetlight outage, oak tree removal, graffiti abatement, etc?
Click the "Visalia Works" yellow tab on the left-hand side of your screen, or click here.
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