Made possible by Measure N and Landscaping & Lighting Districts, reclamite seal street maintenance is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 29, 2022 and continue through Friday, May 20, 2022 in the southeast quadrant of Visalia.
Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc., is the contracted party to complete this project and they’ll have crews out between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Streets that receive treatment will not be open to parking and some minor traffic delays can be expected.”
To minimize any inconvenience from this street maintenance, residents in the project areas are advised to:
2022 Project Links
Reclamite Seal Street Maintenance Map
For additional information, contact Chantha Chap, Civil Engineer, Engineering Division, at (559) 713-4418 or at [email protected].
What is Reclamite Seal?
Reclamite seal is made up of petroleum oils and sand, which provides a simple, two-step method for restoring and preserving durability in asphalt. The treatment extends the life of newly constructed pavement and provides corrective maintenance on deteriorated pavements.
Once the rejuvenating emulsion is applied and has penetrated the existing pavement surface, a coating of dry sand is applied to the surface to decrease tracking of the oils and provide additional skid resistance. The remaining oiled sand not absorbed into the existing pavement is then swept by a street sweeper.
As part of the City's annual Measure N Street Maintenance Program, and made possible in part by Landscaping and & Lighting District monies, various streets in the northwestern quadrant of Visalia have been scheduled to receive crack sealing beginning Wednesday, February 16, 2022.
Road work will take place Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. No weekend work is anticipated and there will be no street closures. Crews will flag residential traffic around the moving work zones.
2022 Project Links
For additional information, contact Casey Chu, Assistant Engineer, CIP Engineering Division, at (559) 713-4491 or at [email protected].
What is crack sealing?
The crack seal treatment will consist of blowing out the cracks with an air compressor and lance and filling various cracks in the roadway with a rubberized asphalt sealer. The hot sealant dries within minutes and can then be driven over without any issues.
Crack sealing is done to prevent the entry of water and other substances such as sand, dirt, rocks or weeds into the pavement, which would result in exacerbated damage. This preventative maintenance not only extends the life of the pavement but can help prevent future, larger maintenance needs that can be more expensive and more time consuming.
During the Winter months some of the maintenance activities of our Streets Division are limited due to weather. Temperatures and moisture must be within certain ranges to perform some activities. Don't worry though, our crew will be busy around town performing pot hole repairs, thin skin patching, and crack sealing to name a few. This division also serves to assist PD with traffic hazards and clean up and they are responsible for our wonderful Holiday decorations on Main Street.
Our larger, summertime street maintenance projects for next year are being designed and prepared now and we will let you know when and where to expect Reclamite, Cape Seal, and any other major road rehabilitation projects prior to them beginning.