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City Refuse Standards

CONTACT - Nathan Garza: 559-713-4532


City of Visalia standards for Cul-de-Sacs are necessary for property construction.  For your convenience, the following information is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (click on underlined links).  For more information contact City of Visalia Solid Waste Residential Supervisor Daniel Galindo ...(559)-713-4499 .

Cul de Sac Layouts Cul De Sac: Layouts - Commercial, Industrial, Multi-family & Residential
Local Minor Loop Cul De Sac: Local Minor Loop Street
Hammerhead Turnarounds

Cul De Sac: Hammerhead
Cul De Sac: Temporary hammerhead turn around-public street



City of Visalia standards for Bin Enclosures are necessary for property installation. For your convenience, the following information is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (click on underlined links). For more information contact City of Visalia Solid Waste Coordinator Nathan Garza...(559)-713-4532


Enclosure-12 Foot

Enclosure with door-12 Foot

Enclosure-24 Foot

Enclosure with door-24 Foot


1. All masonry shall comply with current Uniform Building Code.

2. Slab floor and footing shall be Class B Concrete.

3. Grout all horizontal and vertical reinforcing steel solid.

4. Refuse container enclosure shall be located a minimum of 5'-0" from any
building wall line.

5. No enclosure shall be installed behind parking spaces.

6. Vertical Clearance: A minimum of 32'-0" vertical clearance over the entire approach to and from the enclosure shall be provided.

7. Joints: All horizontal and vertical joints shall have a concave finish joint.

8. Ground shall be sloped 1% from enclosure walls.

9. Gate and Hinges:
Hinges shall be attached to front and outside of enclosure wall with
NO center post.

·Gates shall be solid metal or cyclone fencing with visual-barrier slats, with self-closing hinges and cane bolts/sleeves in the open and closed position.

·Each gate shall swing open 180o from the closed position.

·Hung gates shall have a 0'-4" clearance off the finished pad or apron.

10. Pavement shall be flush to concrete slab floor.

11. Exterior of the enclosure shall comply with standard conditions of
approval for commercial and industrial projects.

12. Dimensions may vary depending on the size and number of bins per
approval of City of Visalia Solid Waste Department.

13. Location of refuse container shall be approved by the City of Visalia
Solid Waste Division.

14. Refuse container enclosure is subject to final inspection by the City of Visalia Solid Waste Division. Enclosures are subject to reconstruction at owner's expense if standards are not met.


Enclosure with Door

Enclosure with Gate

Enclosure-Concrete Pad



Hinge must be placed OUTSIDE of enclosure wall.


For more information click Site Plan Review to view the City of Visalia's official site plan review webpage.


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