Barking can become a nuisance. However did you know that there are common reasons for Barking?
Dogs Bark because it works, whether to scare off a perceived intruder, self-soothe, get attention or release frustration. Tackling your dog's barking first requires that you identify the reason behind your dog's vocalization. These are the most typical types of canine communication.
To Report a Barking Nuisance only please call: (559) 713-4700 and wait for the prompt and push #4 to leave a detailed message of your barking complaint.
After you have left a detailed message for your barking complaint please click on the link for further instructions: Excessive Noise Steps
You must complete the "Excessive Noise Neighbor Packet" in it's entirety and include evidence before we can proceed any further and initiate an Animal Control Officer out to the area location of complaint to assess. EXCESSIVE NOISE NEIGHBOR PACKET COV - printable.pdf