The Visalia Fire Department Prevention Division only responds to complaints regarding weeds, overgrowth, junk and/or trash on any property that may be in violation of Chapter 8.56 of the Visalia Municipal Code.
To notify our department of a possible issue click the link below and complete the form.
Visalia Fire Department Weeds, Junk or Trash Complaint Form on Private Property
Alternately, you are also able to report such complaints to the Visalia Fire Department 24-Hour Hotline at 559-713-4207. Please make sure to report the exact address and/or cross streets and a detailed description of the problem.
For all other complaints see below.
For complaints regarding trash in alleyways and streets, please click here: Debris in Alleys and Streets
For complaints regarding substandard housing, shopping carts or other code violations click here: Code Violations Reporting
For complaints regarding abandoned vehicles, on private property, click here:Abandoned Vehicle Reporting
For complaints regarding abandoned vehicles, on the street, click here: Abandoned Vehicle on the Street Reporting