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Section 3

The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 recognizes that job training, employment and contract opportunities are generated by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs designed to aid housing, urban planning and community development. Section 3 is a mandate to target these economic opportunities flowing from the HUD assisted projects to lower income residents and businesses in those jurisdictions and areas where HUD is "investing" public resources. This law requires that the Department take affirmative steps to meet this objective. Through HUD regulations, participants in HUD’s assistance programs--recipients and contractors--are required to make good faith efforts to provide "to the greatest extent feasible" opportunities to Section 3 area residents and Section 3 business concerns.


The City of Visalia Community Development Department administers funds from federally funded programs for housing and community development activities. Recipients and sub-recipients of these funds must ensure that all federal requirements are followed. The purpose of the Section 3 Manual is to provide a guide of "Section 3" requirements. The manual provides a description of the requirements and a copy of the forms that must be completed for compliance when working with the city in relation to its federally funded projects and programs.

If you are a Contractor and are interested in learning more about registering, and becoming a Section 3 Business, you may register at:

For additional information, you may contact Margie Perez, Housing Specialist at 559-713-4460 or by email at [email protected]

Housing Resources

For additional Housing resources in Tulare County click on the following link “211 Tulare County”.
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