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Section 2

Section of Riggin Widening and Improvement Project: Mooney Blvd. to Conyer St. 

Project Type:  Roadway Widening and Improvements 

Section Value (Cost): $7,000,000

Section Schedule:

  • Utility Relocations Completed
  • Roadway Construction: Start early 2025 to be Completed late summer of 2025

Section Summary:

The Riggin Widening Project from Mooney Blvd to Conyer St will widen the existing street to a four-lane divided roadway, providing bike lanes, a local frontage road, sidewalks, drainage improvements, new center medians, streetlights and street landscaping.

The purpose of the “Riggin Avenue Widening Project” is to increase vehicle capacity on Riggin Avenue by adding additional east/west lanes and to provide for an efficient flow of people and goods in support of the increase in development within the surrounding area. In addition to improved vehicle capacity, this project will also provide for comfortable and safer bicycle facilities in the form of buffered Class II bike lanes and the construction of a protected intersection at Riggin Ave at Giddings St.  These improvements are consistent with the City of Visalia general plan, complete streets policy, and the goals of the City’s adopted Active Transportation Plan.


Why are you installing a frontage road?

A frontage road will be constructed along the southside of Riggin Ave between Divisadero St and Conyer St.  The frontage road will allow for safer ingress and egress for the fronting residents along Riggin Ave and also make Riggin Ave a safer corridor as it will not be interrupted by slower moving traffic stemming from the fronting residential driveways.

What is a protected intersection?

A protected intersection is an intersection designed to keep bicycle traffic separated from vehicle traffic through an intersection.  They are designed to slow down conflict points between vehicles and bikes and provide predictable movements for all modes of travel furthering the safety of all road users.


Section Contact information:

Project Manger:

Diego Corvera, PE

Senior Civil Engineer

O: 559-713-4209

C: 916-605-9300

Other information: Protected intersection Webpage

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