Protect Your Property from the Hazard
The severity of flood damage experienced by property during a flood can be reduced with proper mitigation. It is important to understand the type of flooding that a property is likely to experience and how different structures are affected by flooding in order to execute an effective mitigation plan. Follow the links below to better understand the flood hazard for your property.
Flood Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness
Flood protection measures depend on the anticipated depth of flooding and the type of foundation a structure has. The City of Visalia will experience shallow flooding during a severe flood event (see “Know Your Flood”). Depending on the foundation type and type of flooding, there are different mitigation measures that can be done to prepare and reduce damages to a structure from a flood. Follow the links below for mitigation measures for various types of foundations and flooding situations.
The University of New Orleans- Protecting Your Home Mitigation Measures
California Department of Water Resources – All Flood & Safety Topics
Build Responsibly
In addition to installing and providing proper mitigation measures, it is equally important to construct responsibly in a special flood hazard area. Follow the link below to find additional information on methods and requirements for construction in a special flood hazard area.