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Catalog of Enterprise Systems


Product Vendor Purpose Categories Custodian Collection Frequency Updated Frequency
Agenda Management Granicus City council and planning commission agenda creation and workflow Agenda Management City Clerk Daily Daily
Amazon AWS Amazon Cloud-based data storage for photos, video and archived data Other Information Technology Daily Daily
Applicant Tracking NeoGov Job applicant tracking and position classification system Human Resources Human Resource As Needed As Needed
ArcGIS / ArcSDE ESRI Addresses and Sub-Addresses, Planning & Environmental Data, Land Records Geographic Information Systems GIS Daily Daily
Document Imaging Laserfiche Document imaging and management for all city departments Document Management City Clerk Daily Daily
Fastbook Fastbook Facility reservation and booking for Convention Center Customer Information System  Convention Center Daily Daily
OneSolution SunGard Enterprise resource planning - financials, Payroll/ Accounts payable, receivables, purchasing, budgeting Financial System Finance Daily Daily
Peachtree Financials Peachtree Financials for Convention Center operations Financial System Convention Center Daily Daily
Permits Plus Accela Building permit tracking, Code enforcement, business tax, payments, inspections tracking Permit system Community Development Daily Daily
RecWare ActiveNet Recreation customer registration, scheduling, online payments Recreation Software Recreation As Needed As Needed
Shelter Buddy Shelter Buddy Animal licensing and tracking Animal License Animal Control Daily Daily
Stromberg Timekeeping Kronos Time and attendance tracking Human Resources Human Resources Daily Daily
Telestaff Kronos Staff scheduling for Police and Fire, Feeds timekeeping system human resources Human Resources Human Resources Daily Daily
Transit Buses Synchromatics Transit fixed-route scheduling, Payment tracking system Transit Transit Daily Daily
Transit Dial-a-Ride Mobilitat Transit demand-based routing, Scheduling and payment Transit Transit Daily Daily
Utility Billing AMCS Utility billing for sewer, Storm refuse Utility billing Finance Daily Daily
Voicemail AVST Voicemail system tied to telephone system, Unified messaging Other Information Technology Daily As Needed
VoIP Telephone System Cisco City-wide telephony and call centers Other Information Technology Daily As Needed
Web Sites Civica Internet and intranet web sites, Customer response and content management systems Web Site Information Technology Daily Daily

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