The First Three Letters in Workplace Safety are
It's not a cliche - it's a true statement
Too often people point a finger at their boss or their employer in general and say that someone else is responsible for their safety on-the-job. While it is true that our boss must provide us with safety training, personal protective equipment, and the time to perform our job safely, our safety on-the-job is really a personal commitment and responsibility.
Every employee here at the City of Visalia, irrespective of their job title, has a personal and professional responsibility to maintain the safest, healthiest, and most accident free environment that we can possibly manage. That's why I'm here. I'm here to assist each and every one of us, in what must be our common goal, to go home to our families uninjured and well every day.
The City can give us the best training, the best personal protective equipment, and the resources to do our work, but we must each have a personal commitment to maintain safe workplaces for ourselves, our co-workers, and the residents we provide services to.
You can help make this goal a reality by:
The City's safety program is YOUR safety program. Every aspect of its function is to keep you well and our City a safe place to live and work.
If you want to contact me, my telephone number is (559) 713-4260 and my email is [email protected] or you may click on the email link below.
See you out there!
Angie Zimmermann, City Safety Officer