The City utilizes a private contractor to trim valley oak trees on a 3-4 year cycle depending on the size and type of tree. All City park trees are trimmed by a City tree crew. In 2010, the City trimmed over 10,000 City owned trees, including nearly 1,900 Valley Oak trees.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
There are approximately 1,600 mature valley oaks in the City right-of-way. There are an estimated 2,000 trees on private property within the city limits.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
Prior to urbanization, valley oaks heavily covered 400 square miles of the Central Valley. Visalia’s City Council first adopted a valley oak ordinance in 1971 in an effort to help preserve valley oaks from urbanization. The ordinance is still in effect with the same intentions to beautify, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and the unique identity of Visalia. Over the years, the Ordinance has been amended several times.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
Any violation of the ordinance constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable by conviction and/or a fine. It could also include the City’s Costs and attorney’s fees in prosecuting the matter in addition to doubling the in-lieu mitigation amount indicated in the Oak Tree Mitigation Policy. The majority of violations reported to the City are reported by watch dog citizens or adjacent neighbors.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
The City’s position is private property owners should contact a private Certified Arborist to evaluate your privately owned tree. Many are listed and identified on the internet or in the phone book. The City does not provide a tree inspection service for private Valley Oak trees.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
A licensed and insured tree trimming contractor that uses ANSI A300 Pruning Standards.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
This is a civil matter between two private property owners. The best course of action is to talk to your neighbor, inform them of your concerns. Another tactic is to inform your property insurance carrier of your concerns, many times they can assist. There are court cases that have determined an adjacent property owner cannot damage or remove a neighbors tree that hangs over onto their property without their permission. The City Urban Forestry Division does not resolve civil cases between private property owners.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
Opinions for failure of the older heritage Valley Oaks vary; too dry of a year, too wet of a year, or the abundance of acorns that year. All of these reasons are valid, but the reality is older heritage Valley Oaks fail unexpectedly and property damage is a distinct possibility in the warmer months of the year. The prudent thing for private property owners to do is have their Valley Oak tree inspected.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.
Yes. The City of Visalia has been awarded a Tree City USA award for 29 years. To qualify for this award you must plant a certain number of trees each year. The majority of these trees are Valley Oaks. Over the last 5 years, working with the non-profit Urban Tree Foundation, the City has planted nearly 5,000 new trees on City owned property.
If you have more questions or want to talk to someone about our Valley Oak trees, please feel free to contact Urban Forestry at 559-713-4020.