
Animal Care Center Offers Free Spay & Neuter
Did you know that over 54% of the dogs that are received by the Visalia Animal Care Center are pit bulls and Chihuahuas?
"By far the breed we see most often are pits and Chihuahuas, they're a significant part of Visalia's pet population and sadly, many of them end up in our shelter," says Mario Cifuentez, Visalia Animal Services Manager.
To help curb the number of pit bulls and Chihuahuas that enter local shelter's each year, Visalia Animal Services has launched Operation Fix A Chia Pit.
Open to all Visalia residents who own either a pit bull or Chihuahua, the procedure is completely free. To sign-up, one must come to the shelter, provide proof of residency (a utility bill is preferred form of proof), fill out the paperwork, purchase or show proof of the animal's license and purchase a discounted microchip.
"By using Operation Fix A Chia Pit, owners can help control pet homelessness because spaying and neutering will help control overpopulation," adds Cifuentez. "By lowering the number of pits and Chihuahuas in shelters, we're ultimately increasing our save rates," adds Cifuentez.
The Visalia Animal Care Center is open Wednesday through Friday from 12 to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 12 - 5 p.m. For more information on Operation Fix A Chia Pit, visit the Center at 29016 Highway 99, or call (559) 713-4700. Visit Visalia Animal Services online at www.visalia.city or on Facebook.

Registration Open for 2nd Annual Visalia Senior Games
The Visalia Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to announce the return of the 2017 Visalia Senior Games this spring. Mark your calendars and get ready for some Olympic-style competition and fun!
The Senior Games will be held over two weekends in March, the 17th through the 19th and the 24th through the 26th.
The Visalia Senior Games is open to adults ages 50 and better. With 11 age divisions for men and women in each event, it’s certain there will be a lot of winners. Registration is just $20 per athlete, individual event fees apply and you can register now at www.visaliaseniorgames.com.
A total of 15 events will be featured at this year’s games including eight new events: Disc Golf, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Women’s Volleyball, Swimming, Track & Field and Trap Shooting.
Athletes are expected from all over the Central Valley as well as Northern and Southern California. The opening ceremonies will take place on Friday, March 17th at 6 p.m. and the public is encouraged to join in the fun. This is a great opportunity to come out and show your support for the 2017 Visalia Senior Games and the many athletes that will be competing.
For more information on the 2017 Visalia Senior Games, visit www.visaliaseniorgames.com or call the Visalia Parks & Recreation business office at (559) 713-4365.

Kaweah Delta ER Parking Entrance Only During Construction
The final phase of improvements to Mineral King Avenue are underway from Locust to West streets, immediately in front of Kaweah Delta Medical Center.
The construction will affect patient and staff parking and access through the end of January as Mineral King Avenue will be closed from Locust to West streets from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Access to the Emergency Department parking lot from Mineral King will be entrance only. A flagger will be on site and signage will help direct motorists.
The hospital parking lot on Mineral King Avenue, immediately south of the hospital, will be closed Sundays through Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Fridays from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The hospital's main parking lot at Mineral King Avenue and Locust Street will remain open.
The hospital parking lot on Mineral King Avenue, immediately south of the hospital, will be closed Sundays through Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Fridays from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The hospital's main parking lot at Mineral King Avenue and Locust Street will remain open.
To receive text updates, text "mineralking" to 84483 to subscribe. Standard text messaging rates, determined by carrier and plan, apply. For more information, contact Nancy Lockwood at [email protected] or 733-3737 or contact Allison Mackey, City of Visalia [email protected] or [email protected] 713-4535.

This & That
- Grant deadline approaching: The Visalia Community Arts Grant Program - a program of the City in partnership with the Arts Consortium - deadline for 2017 applications is this Friday, January 13th at 12 p.m. Grant requests can range from $250 to $1,500 per grant, priority is given to programs that are innovative, unique and promote community engagement. For details, contact the Visalia Arts Consortium or email [email protected].
- Biggest year since 2007: The building permit numbers are in and 2016 had a total of 705 housing starts, the best year for Visalia since 2007 by 90 units. This equates to 1,390,818 square feet of new housing space in the city. The year also had 55 new commercial permits projects, the most since 2008, equating to approximately 721,000 square feet of new commercial space.
New year, same schedule: 2017 reguse schedule days will remain the same, even for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. There will be no change in either residential or commercial refuse services on Monday, 1/16. Need to check your pick-up day? Use Public Works' online search tool.
Preparation Helps Visalia Weather Storm
Voter action increased maintenance of the City storm system

Upcoming Events
Valdivia Dance featuring Banda Recodo - Friday, January 13th at the Visalia Convention Center
Enchanted Ice Garden Public Skate
Friday, January 13th
4 - 9 p.m.
Additional Dates Throughout January
Winter Trout Derby
Saturday, January 14th
8 - 10 a.m.
City Administrative Offices Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 16th
Visalia City Council Meeting
Tuesday, January 17th
Work Session at 4 p.m.
Visalia Police Activities League (PAL) 5K Race
Saturday, January 21st
8:30 a.m.
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